
The Misadventures of Buddy and Friend #1-3

Created by M Sorcier

A cute, yet oddly violent, fantasy tale of action, adventure and tomfoolery that feels like a D&D campaign where everyone rolls a 1.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We has moneys and also surveys!
9 days ago – Fri, Oct 18, 2024 at 09:16:04 AM

Hi there, wonderful backers!

Just giving a quick update as to how things are going. 

Funds have been received from Kickstarter and as of yesterday, all surveys have been sent out. If you haven't gotten yours yet, check for an email from BackerKit (with whatever email account you use for Kickstarter) and please fill it out at your earliest convenience. 

I'm going to be spending this weekend doing a last look through the book to catch any spelling/grammar errors and then I'll be submitting everything to print on Monday. Hopefully, books should reach me by the end of November/early December and the campaign should be wrapped up by early January 2025.

As always, if there's any delays, I'll let you know!

Take care and have a great weekend!

We made it!
23 days ago – Fri, Oct 04, 2024 at 07:57:52 AM

Hello there, wonderful backers!

Last night was a hell of a ride and we funded with about 3 hours left to go. This is my 13th Kickstarter campaign and I'm not superstitious or anything but for a while now, it looked like we wouldn't make it and I wondered if The Curse™ was real. Thankfully it wasn't!

Last night, seeing people rally together to share the campaign on social media and get more people to back it reminded me why I love the indie comics community so much. There's no such thing as "competition" and we all genuinely want to see each other succeed and that warms the void where my heart should be. I love the saying "A rising tide lifts all ships."

So thank you so much for helping get this next book funded. Yes, I write and draw the stories but it's kind folks like you who actually bring them to life. I can't wait for you to read this issue and watch the chaos unfold. 

So here's how things are going to go:

I'll be working on sending out surveys via Backerkit sometime within the next two weeks, depending on how long it takes me to setup ad get approval. 

Funds should be received by the 18th of October and that's when I'll submit things for print. I should receive the goods by the end of November, spend December shipping and then everything should be wrapped up all nice and neat by January(where we move onto the next campaign... mwahahahah!!). 

As always, if anything takes longer than it should or there's any roadblocks hit, I'll let you know. But at the moment it all seems like buttery smooth sailing.

Again, thank you so much for believing in me and this crazy, silly little book and helping us get funded in the end. I'm so grateful to everyone who's given me a chance to tell whatever weird stories I have in my head.

With that said, I woke up just to type this out before I go back to sleep for like 2 days straight. It's been a rough few weeks 😂

Seriously, though, I can't thank you enough!

It's Cronch Time!
28 days ago – Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 07:48:38 AM

Hi there, wonderful backers!

We're in the final week of the campaign and we're almost 60% funded with four days left to go. It's gunna be a tough battle to get to the finish, but fingers crossed that the next time I update, it'll be to celebrate us getting to 100%

To the folks who raised their pledges behind the scenes to help us get pushed closer to the finish line, I really appreciate you. To the folks who've backed digitally, if you change your pledge to a physical tier to give us an extra push, I'll throw in a little bonus for you. 

If you can also help spread the word about the campaign and maybe say some kind words about the comic (if you've read issues #1 and 2) while you're doing so to help us bring in some new backers, that'd also be greatly appreciated.

Whatever happens, thanks for showing up to support this weird, cute comic and I'll see you on the other side. Thanks so much for your support!


Here's another cool comic to check out by the way!

STARWEED #1-3 Complete Comic Book Story--Let's End on a High

In a world of smoking the remains of dead celebrities, they heist the corpses. Also starring dinosaurs and an inflatable Clark Gable.

Our best scientists have discovered how to get you high from smoking human remains! And our best dealers have discovered that you'll pay more for famous human remains!

Just think: you could smoke a long dead composer! Or a long dead actor, athlete, or media mogul/businesswoman/gaufretter of fried potatoes! Or long dead Vladimir Lenin, whose body is just sitting there in Moscow's Red Square! Why not heist that body and smoke it?! And then tell all your friends how you heisted and smoked it?

Maybe because heisting is hard.

Maybe heisting should only be done by a professional thief. And her unpaid intern. And her getaway pilot. Oh. Did we mention that, in this universe, stealing corpses is as illegal as smoking them?

Click here to check out Starweed #1-3!

Metal Covers are Now Available!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 04:31:47 PM

Hi there, wonderful backers!

We're almost to the halfway point of the campaign and we're sitting at around 43% funded. I'd be lying if I said that campaigns that may come down to the wire didn't make me nervous. 

Before I started this campaign, I wasn't sure if I wanted to add metal covers or not. I liked the idea of having a nice streamlined campaign that didn't offer tooooo many reward tiers, which could potentially get confusing (both for backers and for me behind the scenes during fulfillment), but I'm here to do whatever it takes in order to get this campaign funded and get this book out into the world.

I'm even willing to sell my own personal stash of Buddy and Friend #1 and #2 metal covers if that's what it takes. I'm dead serious. I wanted to keep them for posterity but hey, if someone wants them and it helps this campaign, who am I to say no?

That being said, metal covers are now available as add-ons. All covers for Buddy and Friend #1 and #2 are obviously limited to just one each as I only have one of each left. The Buddy and Friend #3 covers will be available for this campaign only and there's no quantity limit on them.

There's also a metal cover bundle for all metal variants of Buddy and Friend #3 available as an add-on for $120. 

So if anyone is interested in picking up some very limited edition metal covers, just go to the main page of the campaign (here) and click on "manage my pledge" where you can adjust your tier and pick your add-ons (but you can't pick your nose! Well you can, actually, I'm not the boss of you, so pick away). 

Also, if anyone is interested in my metal Sacrimony #1-5 covers (including the spicy variants), I'm willing to part with those for the greater good, so drop me a line in the comments and let me know and I'll add them on as well. 

Thanks so much for your support! Let's get this campaign funded sooner than later so I can finally rest easy! 😂

Last but not least, me and my pal Scott Harris are always launching projects at the same time and he happens to be working on a D&D inspired comic right this moment! What a coincidence! Check out...

Quest #1-4: Epic Fantasy Adventure in a Magical Realm!

A ragtag party of adventurers are thrown together by fate and charged with an impossible quest!

Quest is an ongoing epic fantasy series inspired by tabletop role playing games like Dungeons & Dragons and classic comics like Savage Sword of Conan. Two hundred years after their world was devastated by a magical war, the heroes of a new age are charged with an impossible mission: survive a thousand miles of haunted dungeons, bizarre monsters, ruined castles, and magical traps -- or see their world die!

Click here to check out Quest!

Almost 40% There! Plus stretch goals!
about 1 month ago – Sat, Sep 21, 2024 at 08:35:07 AM

Hi there, wonderful backers!

We've had a great launch week so far and it hasn't even been a full week that we're live. We're almost 40% funded with 12 days left to go! I figured now would be a great time to start talking stretch goals and milestone goals.

We've still got a ways to go to get funded and this seems like the kind of campaign that will come down to the last few days, but we'll get there when we do and if we can get to $4000, a bonus sticker for all physical backers will be unlocked.

What's the sticker, you ask? Why, it's this one, of course!

As for milestones, we're in for a rare treat...

Yes, that's right, I'll be releasing my old art from 2015 in digital form for all backers to see. Why is this so special? I'm not particularly embarrassed by my old art because I didn't know what I was doing at the time, but you'll get to understand why I had to redraw the story entirely and rewrite some parts to smooth out some wrinkles. 

The original version was pretty rough around the edges and in desperate need of polishing and it'll be fun to compare both versions and see what I've changed.  

It wasn't the worst thing in the world, but I still knew I could do better :)

That's it for now. I'll still keep tooting the horn and fluting the flute to spread the word about Buddy and Friend. If you can also help spread the word, that'd be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you so much for your support and have a great weekend!

But wait! There's more! Here's some other cool campaigns to check out as well!

The Fart Bomb: an absurd comedy about a young farting master

Once David learned he could weaponize his farts, his family would never be safe in this hilarious comedy meant for both kids and adults

Like most kids, David was often annoyed by his family...until he found a way to get back at them. Training his butt and his body to the peak of human performance, David learned how to unleash THE FART BOMB! A stinky weapon meant to torture his parents and siblings. But when news of his fart bomb starts to spread in school, David finds himself in a bit of a stink.

The Fart Bomb is a 20-page all-ages comedy that can be enjoyed by both kids and adults. Its humor is silly and ridiculous in the stinkiest ways possible.

Click here to check out THE FART BOMB! (If you dare!)

UnSEEN/UnHEARD: Disability & Neurodivergence Comic Anthology

A 64-page comic anthology amplifying underrepresented voices in the disability and neurodivergent communities.

From the editors that brought you Scott Snyder Presents Tales from the Cloakroom vol. 1 and the Ringo-nominated creator of Etheres comes unSEEN/unHEARD: Disability & Neurodivergence, a 64-page anthology that collects 12 new slice of life, romance, sci-fi, fantasy, and horror short comics about dealing with disabilities or being neurodivergent.  

From the team:

"It was vital to us that stories about neurodivergent people and those with disabilities be told by people with those conditions. Similarly, creators with these conditions often find it difficult to make comics consistently, from financial barriers to constant interruptions to the creative process because their energy must go to simply...existing. As such, we wanted to produce this anthology to give those who might not usually get to tell their stories a platform to do so.  

The anthology covers a wide spectrum of conditions: AuDHD, Ankylosing Spondilitis, Traumatic Brain Injury, Dyslexia, Spinal Cord Injury, Misophonia associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Tourette Syndrome, Blindness, Fibromyalgia, CPTSD, and more.

Furthermore, intersectionality and representation of other marginalized communities is a pillar of Unseen Alchemy Publishing. As such, expect to see 2SLGBTQIA+ and BIPOC representation in our stories."

Click here to check out UnSEEN/UnHEARD!